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Ur-Energy Provides Production and Construction Updates Including its Leadership Position as a Strategic Producer of US Uranium

1. Ur-Energy's production at Lost Creek is increasing, boosting overall growth potential. 2. Shirley Basin ISR project under construction positions URG for near-term production gains.

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Why Bullish?

Increasing production from Lost Creek and new Shirley Basin project indicates revenue growth potential. Similar past cases of production growth have positively influenced stock prices in uranium sector.

How important is it?

The strategic updates on production and projects directly influence investor sentiment and company valuation. Importance is underscored by ongoing uranium market dynamics that favor production increases.

Why Long Term?

The construction of Shirley Basin and growth at Lost Creek suggest sustained growth over time. Past uranium production expansions have shown long-term stock price appreciation.

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LITTLETON, CO / ACCESS Newswire / February 10, 2025 / Ur-Energy Inc. (NYSE American:URG)(TSX:URE) (the "Company" or "Ur-Energy") provides the following updates on the growing strategic importance of its leading US production portfolio anchored by its operating Lost Creek ISR uranium project and near-term production growth from the addition of its Shirley Basin ISR project currently under construction. Production at Lost Creek continues to grow as set forth below.

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